Partial Knee Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement

A partial knee replacement (PKR) is a surgical procedure to replace only one part of a damaged knee. It can replace either the medial part, the lateral part, or the patella of the knee.

Partial knee replacement has several advantages over total knee replacement, including shorter recovery time and more range of motion preserved after surgery. But partial knee replacement is only an option for people with knee damage in just one place, either lateral, medial or the patella.

Surgery to replace the whole knee joint is called total knee replacement.

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the wearing away of the connective tissue, called articular cartilage, within the joint. Articular cartilage prevents one bone from scraping against another. The cartilage acts as a shock absorber in the joint and allows for smooth and stable movement within the joint. When the cartilage thins, the joint can inflame and you may feel pain and stiffness in the joint. Your range of motion may be limited.

How common is knee osteoarthritis?

Up to 30% of the U.S. population is believed to have knee osteoarthritis. Until age 50, knee osteoarthritis is equally common in men and women. After age 50, more women are affected.


Who is a candidate for partial knee replacement?

People with medial, or lateral, knee osteoarthritis can be considered for partial knee replacement. “Medial” refers to the inside compartment of the joint, which is the compartment nearest the opposite knee, while “lateral” refers to the outside compartment farthest from the opposite knee. Medial knee joint degeneration is the most common deformity of arthritis.

Other factors to consider:

  • You may want to consider a knee replacement if your knee pain persists despite your taking anti-inflammatory drugs and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Your provider will ask you to identify the area of pain in your knee, then check your range of motion and the knee’s stability. An X-ray of the knee will determine your eligibility for partial knee replacement. However, your surgeon may not know for certain if you are a good candidate until the surgery has begun.
  • You must have an intact anterior cruciate ligament, a sufficient range of knee motion, damage to only one compartment and a stable knee. The angulation of the deformity is also considered.
  • In the past, a partial knee replacement was considered only in people 60 and over who were sedentary. Now younger, more active people are increasingly being considered.

What are the advantages of partial knee replacement over total knee replacement?

Compared to total knee replacement, partial knee replacement better preserves range of motion and knee function because it preserves healthy tissue and bone in the knee. For these reasons, patients tend to be more satisfied with partial knee replacement compared with total knee replacement. They are still candidates for total knee replacement should they ever need it in the future.

There is also less blood loss during surgery, and knee motion recovers faster with partial knee replacement.

What are the risks?

  • An infection at the surgical site is possible. Blood clots are a risk as are injuries to a blood vessel or a nerve. These complications are quite rare.
  • You may experience some knee joint stiffness.
  • Late complications may include infection and a failure or loosening of the prosthesis, as well as continued pain.

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